Whoso Is Found Possessed Of It
"But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it, it shall be well with him." (Moroni 7:47). I find it interesting that Mormon does not say, "whosoever is found possessing charity, it shall be well with him", but rather, " whosoever is found possessed of charity, it shall be well with him." It is not so much that we must possess charity but that we must be possessed by charity. The goal isn't for us to carry around a little piece of God's love but to be swallowed up by God's love. We would say that anyone who had the constant presence of an evil spirit upon them to be possessed by a demon. But, when we covenant to always remember our Savior, and to keep His commandments, that we may have His spirit to always be with us, then we are committing to being possessed by Christ, and more specifically, to be possessed by charity, or the pure love of Christ. As we more fully take upon us the name of Christ and seek to do His will, we become more fully His, and more fully His possession. As we yield to the enticings of the Holy Spirit and become saints and give place in our hearts for the pure love of Christ, we may truly become possessed by Charity, and it shall be well with us.