Make Straight His Paths
"Prepare ye the way of the Lord, and make straight His paths." This is what John the Baptist preached before Jesus began His ministry. Have we prepared the way to our heart, so that the Spirit of the Lord may easily enter in and dwell within us? Have we made straight the path to our acceptance and faithfulness? We often allow our paths to become clogged with the weeds of doubt, or blocked by boulders of fear, or cracked with potholes of anger and hatred. We may even have abandoned the straight path of the Lord and thrown up new, crooked paths that zigzag around various political or social ideologies. But however convoluted we have made our emotional and intellectual pathways, we can always return to the Lord's way, and by exercising faith, repenting, renewing our baptismal covenants, and seeking out the companionship of the Holy Ghost, we can go back to preparing the way of the Lord and making His path straight. We can uproot the weeds of doubt and remove the boulders of fear and fill in the craters of anger and hatred with kindness and love and especially with the presence of the Lord as He comes to walk with us on the way that we have prepared for Him.