God Does Not Give Up On Us
When Saul rebelled against the Lord, the prophet Samuel said that the Kingdom would be taken from him and given to another. The Spirit of the Lord left Saul and descended upon David when Samuel anointed him. But the Lord never stopped loving Saul. Although through his pride and stubbornness Saul had cut himself off from the Lord and His Spirit, the Lord would not so easily abandon one of His children. Even if the Lord could not directly touch Saul's heart, He still arranged for David to be Saul's armor bearer and for him to be a source of light and comfort and spiritual strength. Although we may often cut ourselves off from the Lord, the Lord never writes us off as a lost cause. If we will not give heed to the still small voice in our heart and mind, if we close our eyes to the abundant daily blessings, if we harden our hearts in pride and stubbornness, nevertheless, God will place people in our lives that will be a source of light and comfort and spiritual strength. The Lord will never stop trying to save us and He will do it in ways more subtle than we can imagine. He has our whole lives to work with and infinite patience and limitless resources. He will do everything He can to find a way back into our lives and one of the main ways He does this is to surround us with people who love us and let the Lord's light and love shine through them and into our hearts.