To Grant Me Rich Supply

“He lives to grant me rich supply” (Samuel Medley, “I Know That My Redeemer Lives”). A grant is money or resources that have been set aside for a particular purpose. The Lord has a rich supply of unlimited resources but He will only grant them to us to the degree that we demonstrate that we will use them for their intended purpose. Jesus gave many parables about stewards and servants that had been granted talents or positions of authority or special assignments. Those wise and faithful servants who used the supplies that they had been granted in a wise and faithful manner were richly rewarded and invited to enter into the rest of the Lord. Those who were foolish or slothful or wasteful or wicked were stripped of all of the blessings and resources that had been granted unto them and they were cast out into outer darkness. Everything that the Savior does is about growth and increase. He grants us rich supply so that we may be fruitful and multiply that which we have been given. If we do not adhere to our fiduciary responsibilities to our principal investor, then He will cease to grant us any additional blessings until we have gotten our head on straight and have been humbled sufficiently to no longer attempt to misuse the time, talents, and resources that the Lord grants us to satisfy our pride and our vain ambition but rather will use what we have been given for its appointed purpose to bless and to serve and to uplift and edify our brothers and sisters. And when we have proven that we are wise and faithful stewards, the Lord will continue to grant us rich supply that will flow through us unceasingly to bless our family and friends and communities.


To Guide Me With His Eye


To Bless In Time Of Need