The Universal Donor

The Savior said whoso eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood shall have eternal life. Even though the Savior was not speaking in literal terms a lot of people at the time and since were a bit queasy about this declaration as it smacked too much of cannibalism. But actually, in modern medicine taking the blood and body parts of others into our own is relatively commonplace. If the Savior had been alive today, he might have said whoso receiveth transfusions of my blood and transplants of my organs shall have eternal life. It doesn't jibe as well with the ritual of the Sacrament, but as a metaphor it can provide some great insights. Our souls are often pierced and wounded by the cares of this world, by our own stupid mistakes and the poor choices of others that affect us. Such trials can leave us weak and anemic, bleeding out. But if we turn to the Savior and repent and partake of the Sacrament, we can receive a transfusion of the Savior's life-saving blood. When our heart is broken or stony or past feeling, we can plead with the Savior to give us a new heart, one filled with His love. Christ is the Universal Donor, and the more we take His blood and His body into us, the more we become like Him, the closer we get to eternal life.


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