Why Seek Ye The Living Among The Dead?
When the disciples of Jesus visited His tomb on the third day, two angels were there and asked them, "Why seek ye the living among the dead?" (Luke 24:5) I believe this is an important question for us to ask ourselves. Just as the disciples sought in vain for Jesus among the dead at that burial place, we often seek in vain for the living Christ in places where we will not find Him. Whenever we try to find happiness in sin, or peace as the world giveth, or light in the darkness, we are, in effect, seeking the living among the dead. There are many philosophies and schools of thought and political parties and viral trends and societal norms and life hacks that seem to make sense and are maybe even superior to the Lord's way. But only Christ has the words of eternal life. Only He can give us happiness that cannot be tainted, and peace that cannot be tarnished, and light that cannot be dimmed, but only grows brighter and brighter. I know that it is as useless to try and seek for joy in this life without Christ as it is to seek for the living among the dead. Christ is the Living Waters, the Tree of Life, the True Vine, the Light of the World. He Lives, and we ought not to seek for Him among the dead.