Faith Is The Power That Enables The Unlikely To Accomplish The Impossible
"Truly, faith is the power that enables the unlikely to accomplish the impossible." (President Russell M. Nelson, "Christ Is Risen; Faith in Him Will Move Mountains" Gen Con April 2021). Any way you slice it, we're a bad bet. If the rest of the world could see the forces arrayed against us and the sum total of our own strengths and resources and abilities, they might look on us with pity or horror but never with confidence. But we don't just have access to our own strengths and resources and abilities. As unlikely as we are to succeed, Christ bets on us anyway. He offers up freely His power and His influence and He believes in us even when time and time again we fail to live up to that belief. Look, whatever we set our mind to, there are going to be those looking on who will shake their heads in sad disbelief, thinking that never before has such an unlikely person tried to take on such an impossible task. It may very well be that the loudest voice of doubt is coming from within our own head. Yes, we are unlikely candidates and yes, we are faced with impossible odds, but as our prophet has said "faith is the power that enables the unlikely to accomplish the impossible." When we go forth with faith and do the impossible thing anyway, the vast difference between the power necessary to accomplish the impossible and our unlikely and meager store of power is made up by the infinite power and Atonement of Jesus Christ. Moses was an unlikely leader faced with the impossible task of saving his people from the armies of Pharaoh, but he walked with faith into the Red Sea and accomplished the impossible. Daniel was unlikely to accomplish the impossible task of surviving the night in a den full of lions but he entered with faith and accomplished the impossible. Peter was unlikely to accomplish the impossible task of walking on water but he stepped onto the surface of the water with faith and accomplished the impossible. We may look at our life and see mountains of doubt and insecurity towering over us and conclude quite rationally that it will be impossible to remove them from our lives. But if we go forth with faith, as unlikely and as impossible as it may seem, soon or late, dramatically or gradually, Christ will remove the mountains that block our way forward because we have chosen to believe in the impossible.