Spiritual Antibodies
We have been dealing with a global pandemic for the last year and a half and there has been a lot of debate about how serious the sickness is and what are the best ways to prevent its spread and which vaccines, if any, are effective or necessary. But we have also been dealing with another global pandemic since Adam and Eve fell from the Garden of Eden. There has also been a lot of debate over how serious the sickness of sin is and what are the best ways to prevent its spread and which vaccines or cures are effective or necessary. One of the treatments for Covid is to take the antibodies of someone who has recovered and clone them and give them to the sick patient so they can fight off the sickness. They're basically taking the blood of a healthy person and transfusing it into a sick person. This is exactly what the Sacrament is for. The sacrament is both a cure against the symptoms of sin, as well as a vaccine to prevent future outbreaks. When we partake of the sacrament we are healed from our sins and we make a covenant to do our best to keep the commandments and have Christ's spirit with us so that we are not infected by the disease of sin again. That's also why we work so hard to spread the gospel, especially in our immediate vicinity. The more people inoculated and cured from the effects of sin, the more righteous and loving the environment, the easier it is to resist temptation, and the closer we all get to a spiritual herd immunity. I know that new variants of sin rear their ugly head all the time and we often get infected with old sins that we thought we gave up long ago, but every time that our hearts and souls sicken due to sin, we always have the opportunity to repent immediately and on a weekly basis partake of the life saving healing of the Atonement through the Sacrament.