The Power of the Unlikely to Accomplish the Impossible

"Faith is the power that enables the unlikely to accomplish the impossible." - President Russell M Nelson. There's a story about a math professor who wrote an impossible equation on the board, but one student arrived late and copied down the problem to solve and hadn't been told that the problem was impossible and he worked and worked at it and actually solved the problem. Faith is about believing, not seeing. If you know something, then you can't have faith in it. To have faith is to lack the knowledge that something may be impossible. When you have faith, the impossible may seem unlikely, but you act as if it is possible to accomplish it. And without faith, it would be impossible, but faith is the power that enables the unlikely to accomplish the impossible. It can be terrifying and discouraging to have to act in ignorance and without a perfect knowledge, but that is the only way for faith to work. If you know something is impossible, then you won't bother to try. But if you have faith that you can accomplish something, even if it seems really, really unlikely, then you will be able to accomplish the impossible because you don't realize it's impossible and thus you don't hold back the power of faith necessary to accomplish it. Doing the impossible is hard, but doing the unlikely with faith seems much more doable and when we believe we can do it, then it doesn't matter how impossible it should be.


The Pursuit of Happiness


Those Who Overcome