Seeing A Little Clearer
One of the blind men that Jesus healed did not receive his sight all at once. The first time that Jesus anointed his eyes, the blind man saw men as trees walking, and so Jesus anointed his eyes again and finally his vision was clear. There's a story of a woman who always used to criticize her neighbor to her husband whom she could observe through her window that she never washed her clothes properly. Then, one day, her husband cleaned the window, and much to the woman's surprise, her neighbor finally figured out how to clean her clothes. All of us have cognitive biases and logical fallacies and blindspots through which we view the world. It sometimes helps to take a look at the lenses we use to observe the world around us to see if the world is really as gray or as rose tinted as we sometimes believe it to be. Like when we go to the eye doctor and he presents us with a bunch of different lenses, we can plead with the Lord that He can replace our old, blurry lenses with eyes that can see a little more clearly. And step by step we can trade in our lenses so that each time we can see a little farther and understand a little deeper.