“He lives, my Savior, still the same” (Samuel Medley, “I Know That My Redeemer Lives”). We may find this almost impossible to believe, but after we have done the worst, most horrible, most shameful, most unforgivable things we've ever done, Jesus Christ is our Savior still the same. And we may find it just as hard to believe, but for different reasons, that after we have gone through the worst, most undeserved, most unforgivable thing that has ever happened to us, Jesus Christ is our Savior still the same. “For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee.” (Isaiah 54:10). The hills and the mountains will disappear before our Savior does. Just because we have been subjected to trials and tribulations that are cruel and unusual and that would be unreasonable to ask anyone to go through, let alone a disciple of Christ that is striving to do the right thing and live a good life, this does not mean that our Savior has forgotten about us or changed His mission or stopped being our greatest friend and support. Ought it not comfort us that in our moments of most exquisite agony and deepest distress our Savior is still by our side even then? He cannot take away our pain all the time but He can at least wipe away our tears, lift up the hands that hang down, and strengthen feeble knees. I am so grateful that no matter what happens, Jesus Christ is our Savior still the same.