All Glory To His Name

“He lives! All glory to his name!” (Samuel Medley, “I Know That My Redeemer Lives”). Jesus Christ is the only name by which we can be saved. The glory of God is to save His children. Therefore, all glory falls upon the name of Christ, since salvation, and thus, glory, are only possible through His name. The way that we can shield ourselves from the pride and vanity that so easily might attach to us should we begin in earnest to do a great and marvelous work and thus begin to do things worthy of glory is to take upon us the name of Christ, as we have covenanted to do. When we take upon us the name of Christ, the glory that comes from doing good and living righteously attaches to the Name of Christ instead of to us. This is as it should be. Our hands are too small to hold the eternal weight of glory that comes from bringing about the immortality and eternal life of God's children. We would either have to imagine ourselves as mightier and more important than we are, which leads to all sorts of unpleasant and counterproductive feelings and behaviors of vanity and selfishness and egotism, or we would have to abandon altogether the idea of contributing to the building up of the Kingdom of God on Earth, which brings with it its own problems of idleness, self-loathing, and bitterness. We don't want either of those outcomes, so when we go out and serve our fellow brothers and sisters, we need to remember that we are only in the service of our God, and any glory that might come from our actions rests on the name of Christ.


My Savior, Still The Same


To Bring Me Safely There