Unrelated Blessings

When we are doing our best to live the principles of the gospel and keep the commandments and obey the laws, and then tragedy strikes, it may seem unfair. First of all, if the tragedy is not of our own making, then it is always unfair, regardless of how righteous we are living. But if we believe that righteous living brings blessings and blessings means little to no tragedies, then it can seem extra unfair. But if we are trying to keep the commandments because they'll entitle us to some get out of trials free card, we're going to be frequently disappointed. But if the commandment we are trying to obey requires no small amount of sacrifice, and yet our sacrifice does not shield us from hardship, we may ask why we even bother. We bother because our lives would be even harder if we didn't strive to live the gospel. Losing our jobs while paying our tithing is unfair and terrible but losing our jobs having not paid our tithing would be worse. Getting cancer while keeping the word of wisdom is unfair and terrible, but getting cancer while not keeping the word of wisdom would be worse. There is no amount of obedience or related blessings that could prevent entirely the pain of losing a loved one, but losing a loved one without the hope of the plan of salvation is worse. The Lord promises that obedience brings blessings, and if those blessings don't always intersect with the trials we face, it is better to face a trial with unrelated blessings than to go through the trial without those blessings.


Trust Becomes Real

