Trust Becomes Real

"Trust becomes real when we do hard things with faith." (Gerrit W Gong). When we have to do a hard thing and we exercise faith and do everything in our power to do the hard thing, and through our faith and the power of God we do the hard thing successfully, then our trust in the Lord and His ability to help us accomplish the hard thing becomes real. Similarly, when we are asked to do a hard thing, something we don't deserve and didn't ask for, when we have the faith to do the hard thing even though it hurts, then God's trust in us becomes real. It's a two way street. The hard things are coming, and it is up to us to show the Lord that we have the faith to do the hard things because we love and trust Him, and it is up to the Lord to show us that if we exercise our faith He will give us the power and strength and fortitude we need to do the hard things because He loves and trusts us. Life is full of hard things that need doing and the Lord trusts us to face the faith to do them, just as we should have the trust that He will never abandon us when the hard thing needs doing.


Not Giving Up, But Giving To


Unrelated Blessings