Forest of Faith

The Savior compared faith to a seed. If we plant that seed and water it and weed it and see to it with all diligence, then that seed will grow into a tree bearing the fruits of the spirit. But why should we stop with one tree? Do not the fruits from our tree of faith contain their own seeds of faith? And could we not plant those seeds as well? The Savior never intended us to have one single, solitary tree of faith. We start with one tree, then another. A few trees become an orchard, an orchard becomes a grove, a grove becomes a mighty forest. If our faith is one tree and that tree gets sick and dies, we are devastated, but if we have a whole forest of trees and the enemy cuts one down or the fierce winds of life uproot some of our trees or the fires of evil choices rage through some of our glades, all is not lost. Besides, a forest of trees can help lock in nutrients and prevent soil erosion. The roots of the trees can intertwine and support and strengthen one another. Just like when we develop a strong testimony of paying our tithing can strengthen our resolve to fast on fast Sunday or attend the temple more frequently. We should enjoy the fruits of our labors when our tree of faith brings forth that fruit, but then we should take the seeds of that fruit and go to work planting new seeds of faith so that we are always abounding in good works.


Align Our Will With Our Father’s


Deus Ex Nihilo