The Soul Is The Spirit And Body Together

In Elder Gary E Stevenson's conference talk he talks about an experiment in which scientists fed rabbits fatty foods and observed the rabbits getting fatter. But one group got significantly less fat and they discovered it was because the researcher who fed that group was unusually kind and attentive to the rabbits. As God has said, all things are Spiritual before Him. The soul is the body and the spirit together. If we are filled with hatred and bitterness it will not only affect our spirit but our body also. Likewise, if we are filled with love and kindness, not only will our spirit but also our body be lifted up and rejoice. We should follow the Savior and seek to become like Him not just for the promise of eternal life in the next world, but because it will be better for us right now. When we repent and come unto Christ, it will have a profound effect on our physical body as well as our spirit.


The Gift Of The Present


Distilling Doctrine