Patterned After The Temple
When Nephi settled in the promised land, he and his people built a temple. They patterned it after the temple of Solomon, but Nephi admits that the temple he built was not furnished with such nice things as the temple of Solomon, not because he was being stingy but because such fine and costly things were not available. We can try to build our homes after the pattern of the temple. Our efforts may appear crude compared to the beauty and majesty of the temple, but that should not stop us from the effort. If we put our house in order, if we make it a house of learning, a house of prayer, a house of peace, if we make of our house a place that welcomes in the Spirit, then it can be just as much the house of the Lord as the temples are. The Lord will see our efforts and He will make up for the fact that our homes are not made of as many precious things as the temple has, or that despite our best efforts, sometimes we allow in a spirit of disunity or anger.