Becoming Part of The Rock of Our Redeemer

I was struggling with the phrase “endure to the end.” Endure means to become hard, and yet, when we repent, we are asked to offer up a broken heart and a contrite spirit, we are supposed to soften our hearts and yield to the enticings of the Holy Spirit. How are we supposed to become soft and become hard? I don’t know if this is the right answer but it makes sense to me. Christ is the rock, the hard place, the chief cornerstone. If we build upon Him, then when the floods and the whirlwinds come, we shall not fall. I don’t think that enduring to the end is about us becoming tough enough to outlast Satan’s fury. It’s not about us becoming strong enough that we can chase off temptations with our own power. Enduring to the end is not about us becoming hard, but about us becoming part of the hard place. As we embrace Christ and come fully unto Him, we become part of the Rock of our redeemer. We join ourselves to the hardest and toughest and most solid and immoveable thing in the universe. As we make our hearts soft and yield to the Spirit, we become hard because we are one with Christ. As we make an end of depending on our own strength, our own toughness, our own hardness and endurance, we become part of the Endless and Eternal strength of the Lord.


*Become One* With Christ


Blessings and Curses