Mostly Blind In A Mostly Invisible World

The human eye is capable of observing only 0.0035% of the light spectrum. That means if the sun put out a million different rays of light, we would only see 35 of them. We can observe practically nothing with the naked eye. But it gets worse. Scientists say that 96% of the universe is composed of dark matter and dark energy, which isn't visible at all, on any visible spectrum. So really, the part of the universe that it is possible for us to see is 0.00014%. On a cheap calculator, the part of the universe that we can see would be rounded down to zero. We are basically walking mostly blind through a mostly invisible world but somehow we get it into our heads that it is OK for us to judge other people. Never mind that most of the people we judge we know almost nothing about. Even with close family members we don't spend as much time as we think. If you factor in sleep and work and other responsibilities, at best you spend twenty to thirty percent of your time with any other person on a given day, but even that's misleading because even the two closest people on the planet aren't privy to every single thought and opinion and dream and inner monologue the other person has. The fact of the matter is that we don't know the circumstances that led to a person doing or saying something that we judge as offensive or evil or mean-spirited. We see through a glass darkly. We're doing the best we can and they're doing the best that they can and no one is living up to anyone else's standards, least of all the standards we hold for ourselves. It's inevitable that we are going to judge ourselves and others, but it's important to remember that we never have all the facts and that we're almost completely blind and we should probably just cut each other and ourselves a little slack every once in a while.


Catching Stones


Proving God’s Faithfulness