Catching Stones

In his April 2021 talk, Elder Dale G Renlund talks about crippling unfairness. He notes that there is not always a good answer as to why certain unfairnesses exist or how or when these unfairnesses may be remedied, but he assures us that God will make all things right and fair in His own due time and in a way more just and wonderful than we could possibly have imagined. He brings up the story of the woman taken in adultery and mentions how instead of casting stones we can be stone catchers. Life is unfair. It is unfair that others are blessed more abundantly than we are. It is just as unfair that we are blessed more abundantly than others. It is our duty and privilege to use with humility and gratitude the time and talents and resources that the Lord has blessed us with to make the lives of those around us a little less unfair. At the same time, it is our duty and privilege to accept with humility and gratitude the efforts of those around us to make our lives a little less unfair. We can look at all the hurt and pain and injustice and infuriating unfairness in the world and with some justification ask why a loving God isn't doing more and sooner to remedy the evils that abound on every side. We could ask with equal justification why we aren't doing more ourselves to solve the same problems. After all, are we not trying to be more like God, do not our hearts burn within us with the light of Christ and a strong sense of fairness and justice? God may not yet have revealed how we will resolve unfairness because He wants us to use our agency and intelligence and gifts and resources to catch those stones being hurled at our brothers and sisters. And God may not have revealed when He will resolve unfairness because He is waiting on us to give it a try.


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