“And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” (John 1:5). I've often struggled with this verse. How does light shine in the darkness? In fact, most light shines in the darkness. We can only perceive a very narrow band of the electromagnetic spectrum that makes up light. Radio waves, microwaves, x-rays, gamma rays, cell phone and wifi signals, infrared light, ultraviolet light - all of these shine in the darkness and the darkness comprehends it not. We can learn much about our Savior by all of His light that we can see with our natural eyes, but if we want to deepen and heighten and broaden our understanding and appreciation for all of His light, even and especially the light that shines in the darkness, then we will have to work on receiving even the invisible light. Astronomers and other scientists have developed all kinds of delicate instruments that are precisely tuned to receive a particular light frequency. As we strengthen our bond with the Holy Spirit, we can tune our hearts and our minds to receive more and more of our Savior's light and comprehend more of His character and mission. I hope that we can all continue to build and tune our many different light receivers to always be receiving more and more of our Savior's light.