Lord, Lord

“Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.” (Matthew 7:21). In his talk “That They Might Know Thee” from the October 2022 General Conference, Elder Jonathan S Schmitt talks about his efforts to learn as many of the names of Jesus Christ as he can. He even says that he has found more than 300 names so far, and is confident that he has many more still to discover. When Jesus said that not everyone that saith Lord, Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, I believe that He is telling us that it is not enough to know Him as just our Lord, and nothing else. If we want to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, we have to learn a lot more about our Savior. We have to come to know Him as our Brother, our Friend, our Good Shepherd, our Rock, our Living Waters, and a thousand names more. If all we can come up to describe our Savior is Lord, and uh... Lord, then we’ve got a long way to go before we’re ready to enter the kingdom of heaven. We should never feel that we have discovered all of the names of our Lord, and the best way to learn new names is, as Christ says, doing the will of our Father which is in heaven.


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