Keep Walking Until The Walls Fall Down

Sometimes it may seem that in our pursuit of righteous desires we go round and round in circles and never get any closer to achieving our goals. It may also seem that although we are living up to our covenants and doing all the “right things”, none of it gets us any closer to our heart’s desire. It may seem like a huge wall looms between us and our goal and there is nothing we could ever do to break down that wall. When Joshua led the children of Israel to the city of Jericho, with its mighty, impenetrable walls, and then told them through divine inspiration that they must every day march around the walls of the city and trust that eventually the city would be delivered unto them, I’m sure that there were many who felt as we often do, going around and around impenetrable walls seemingly to no purpose and to no avail with no hope of ever breaking down the walls that stand before us. Eventually, after many times circling the city, Joshua and his people witnessed the power of God as the walls came crashing down and the city was delivered to them. When nothing we do seems to matter, let us remember Jericho and have the faith to walk around the impenetrable walls once more. It may take more than seven trips around the walls. It may take more than seventy times seven trips. But if we trust in the Lord and we keep doing what we’re supposed to be doing, we will see the power of God in opening up the way before us.


Rahab the Savior


No Minimum Time For Repentance