Rahab the Savior

Rahab is perhaps the tenth or twelfth woman mentioned by name in the Old Testament. She is also introduced as “the harlot.” I can only imagine that Rahab’s family may have judged and looked down upon and perhaps even treated her harshly because of the line of work she was in. Her family may even have been embarrassed or ashamed whenever anyone found out they were related to her. But because Rahab had the courage to do what was right and save two of the Lord’s chosen servants at the risk of her own life, on that terrible day when her whole city was destroyed and every man, woman, child and even animal was slaughtered, Rahab and her family were spared. I have to imagine that while her family may have before referred to her with discomfort and unease as Rahab the harlot, after that day, they must have always referred to her with respect and humility and utmost gratitude as Rahab the Savior. We never know what turns our lives are going to take, but we should never write off anyone as a hopeless case or a lost cause, not for our family members or our friends or our neighbors or even ourselves, and we should never doubt that the Lord can perform great and marvelous works with those that we might consider the smallest and the weakest and the most despised. Rahab was and will forever be remembered not for the kind of professional work she did but for her courage and for saving herself and her family.


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