If This Cup May Not Pass
“He went away again the second time, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done.” (Matthew 26:42). Even Christ, the greatest of all, did not want to drink from the cup that was placed before Him. But He did it anyway. It was an act of extreme courage, humility and selflessness. As bitter as the experience was, Christ would not have acquired the power necessary to complete the Atonement and the Resurrection if He had not chosen to push past His fear and His reluctance to drink every last drop of that cup. Sometimes the only way forward is through. If the cup may not pass, except we drink it, then we can put our trust in our Heavenly Father and do His will and drink it. There is knowledge and wisdom and power and strength and understanding that we will get through drinking that cup that we could get no other way. On the far side of the bitter cup lies sweet redemption. If we put our trust in God and submit to His will and pass through the valley of the shadow of death, then He will lead us to green pastures and comfort us.