The House Of The Dead

Some of the grandest and most beautiful buildings ever built throughout history have been mausoleums and tombs. The Pyramids of Giza, the Taj Mahal, the vast underground burial chambers Xin Shi Huang with the terracotta army. All have been attempts to immortalize or preserve or save the dead for future generations. It is fitting, then, that the grandest and most beautiful buildings that the church builds today are temples, and those temples are dedicated in large part to bringing to pass the salvation and eternal life of the dead. We don't necessarily construct elaborate sarcophagi or build towering monuments to our ancestors anymore, but we do build magnificent temples, and within those temples we do the work necessary for our ancestors to continue their eternal progression. When we go to the temple, we can do more to preserve and save and redeem the dead than all of the tombs and mausoleums and pyramids ever could. The temples are very much for the living and can teach and empower and purify us, but they are also for the dead. I hope that we can all learn to put as much time and attention and effort into saving our dead in our beautiful temples as the ancient priests put into preserving their dead in their ancient tombs.


Stand As Witnesses Of God In All Places


If This Cup May Not Pass