There Is Hope In Miracles

When the Apostles saw the man blind from birth, they asked the Savior if he was being punished for his own sins or the sins of his parents. The Savior said that he was born blind so that the works of God could be manifested in him. The Savior performed many miracles during his mortal ministry and in every case they were the acts of kindness and compassion towards those who exercised their faith in Him and who desperately sought relief from their suffering. But more broadly, the miracles were also performed as an example to us all, a way to show us how God can work miracles in each of our lives. As we attempt to walk the covenant path, we may feel that the mistakes we’ve made have caused us to be lame, to have broken our ability to walk the straight and narrow path. We can look to the times where the Savior caused the lame to walk, and have faith and hope that despite our past transgressions, we may walk again in the light. We may feel that our sins have blinded us to the light of Christ, and we will never again see as God sees. But the Savior healed the physically blind and He can heal the spiritually blind as well. We may feel, like the lepers, that we have become unclean and outcast and are no longer welcome, but just as Christ cleansed the lepers, He can cleanse us. We may be asked to do an impossible task and have so very little to give, but just as Christ fed five thousand with five loaves and two fishes, He can take our meager offering and bless and multiply it and magnify our meager efforts so that thousands can be blessed with the tiny offering that we provide. Christ once asked, “Whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Rise up and walk?” It is as easy for the Lord to heal our physical wounds as to heal our spiritual wounds. We can read the scriptures and ponder on the miracles that are manifested therein and fill our souls with faith and with hope that, though our souls may be broken and lost and blind and too small to be of any use to anyone, Christ can and will work His miracles on us.


Do Good


It Is Better To Be Good Than To Be Right