A New Star
One of the signs of the birth of Jesus Christ was that a new star would appear in the heavens. We call a new star that appears in the night sky a Nova, which comes from the Latin word for new. If the new star is especially bright, we call it a Supernova. But Supernovae are not new stars. Quite the opposite, in fact. A Supernova is an old star that is ready to die. When the right conditions of mass and energy and temperature are reached, a star can experience runaway nuclear fusion, where the rising temperature creates a greater release of energy, which causes the temperature to go up, which causes more nuclear fusion, until in a very short time, the Supernova has burned up so much of its mass so quickly that for a brief moment it is shining brighter than all of the other stars in the galaxy (billions and billions of them) put together. At first glance it may seem odd that one of the most widely recognized signs of our Savior's birth was the sight of a dying star. But one of the most important things that Christ came to Earth to do was to die for our sins. Just like the Supernova that signaled His birth, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died, and in so doing, released a light that shined brighter than all of the other stars in the galaxy put together. Malachi says that "the Sun of righteous shall arise with healing in his wings" (Malachi 4:2). Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Sun of righteousness, and, like a sun, when He died, He went Supernova. After a star goes Supernova, it can become a black hole. A black hole draws all things into it. Once something has entered into the gravitational pull of a black hole, there is no escaping it. Jesus Christ died so that He would have that same gravitational pull that a black hole has. "And for this cause have I been lifted up; therefore, according to the power of the Father I will draw all men unto me," (3 Nephi 27:15). The love of Jesus Christ and the power of His Atonement is brighter than a Supernova and stronger than the gravitational pull of a black hole. "For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:38-39). Some scientists believe that black holes are gateways into new universes. Christ gave His Life so that He would have the power to draw us all into Him that He might rescue us from this fallen and dying universe, and carry us across the gate into a new and everlasting universe where we can be with Him always and have eternal life. It turns out, a dying star is the perfect sign for our Savior's birth, highlighting His purpose and mission on Earth and giving us a glimpse of what is to come for all of us who are brave enough to allow ourselves to be pulled in by His light and love.