The Cleansing Light Of Truth

One of the most common treatment methods for cancer is radiation therapy. Radiation is essentially a highly energetic, highly powerful form of light and radiation therapy involves focusing that light onto cancerous growths to reduce and eventually eliminate them. Sins, addictions, bad habits, grudges, and unkind thoughts and feelings can grow on our souls like cancerous tumors. But we can halt the growth and spread of these spiritual cancers, even shrink and eliminate them, by flooding them with the powerful, energetic, cleansing light of truth. When we turn to face our Heavenly Father with an eye single to His glory, we can focus His light on our souls, searing away all fear and shame and anger and hatred and lust and greed and selfishness and pride like radiation therapy burns away cancer cells. Sometimes the truth hurts, and there can be painful side effects, just as there is with radiation therapy. But the alternative is to let the cancerous growths fester and spread and metastasize until they have consumed our souls utterly. That is why it is so much better to repent immediately, when the cancer is no bigger than a mustard seed and only needs one or two doses of minor intensity rays of truth, rather then to wait until it's infiltrated all of our spiritual organs and requires months and years of intensive, painful, harsh reality checks and truth that burns and burns. The good news is that when it comes to our Spiritual wounds, our Savior Jesus Christ has more knowledge and power than all of the cancer treatment centers on Earth combined and can direct His cleansing light more delicately and precisely with fewer painful side effects than we would have ever imagined possible. Not all forms of physical cancer are successfully eliminated, but if we put our trust in the Lord and do not shy away from the cleansing light of His truth, there is no spiritual cancer that He can't cure.


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