“And to others it is given to have faith to heal.” (D&C 46:20). On many occasions Jesus would chide those around Him, including His closest disciples, for having little faith, but twice Jesus marveled and was so impressed that He couldn't help but say, “great is thy faith.” One was the Roman centurion who pleaded for Jesus to but speak the word and heal his servant. The other was the woman of Canaan who did not back down when Jesus told her that it was not right to give food meant for the children to the dogs. Both of these individuals had the gift of the faith to heal. They felt such compassion and were so anxious for the recovery of their loved ones that they were willing to cut across social and political divides and do whatever it took to bring healing to those who were suffering. Often those who fight so hard to be given the gift to heal others are those who themselves have had long, hard struggles on the road to healing. We know exactly what it is like to suffer, and so we go boldly to the throne of grace to plead with all of the energy of our soul to bring sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, strength and vitality to the halt and the maimed, and liberty to all of those who are held captive by their illnesses and injuries. We are so convinced that healing is possible that we will break open the roof of a complete stranger and lower our friend on ropes to get healing for our friend. We will travel with our commander to some backwater village to meet with some supposed prophet and then when our friend is too stubborn to bathe seven times in a muddy river, we'll tell him to stop being an idiot and just be healed already. Like Alma the Elder, we will invite our entire community to fast for the recovery of our son, a truly remarkable act of faith given the fact that many of those we were persuading to fast and pray had been deeply hurt by the one who needed their healing faith. The beautiful thing about the gift of faith to heal is that this is a gift that we don't use to help ourselves but to help others. How different would the world be if we all sought a little more diligently to obtain the gift of faith to heal not only our friends and our loved ones, but also our enemies and those who spitefully used and abused us? If we are serious about our commitment to follow the example of Jesus Christ, then we must develop the gift of the faith to heal if we are to ever become like the Master Healer.