The Gift Of Miracles

“And again, to another, that he may work mighty miracles;” (Moroni 10:12). When Adam and Eve partook of the forbidden fruit and were expelled from the Garden Eden they entered into a fallen world, a fallen world which we have inherited. The natural order of this fallen world is for things to fall apart and to tend toward disorder and chaos. Most of us have learned through sad experience that this natural tendency for things to get worse or go wrong or deteriorate is almost inescapable. Therefore, any time that we overcome the natural gravity of the fallen world and make or do something beautiful or lovely or wonderful, it feels like a miracle. In fact, that is exactly what it is. The gift of working mighty miracles is when we have exercised enough faith and good works to temporarily elevate this fallen world into its redeemed and glorified state. Miracles override the natural laws under which we normally operate and remove the curse upon the land that has applied since the time of Adam and Eve. When we live and embody so fully and completely the laws of the Celestial Kingdom, we bring the Celestial Kingdom down to us and miracles can't help but abound. Miracles are not random. They are not subject to the whims of a capricious and fickle God. Miracles are a natural consequence of us living so righteously and faithfully that we become the place where Heaven and Earth meet. Just because we have been born into a fallen world does not mean that we have to just grit our teeth and suffer through perpetual disappointment and accept that there is nothing that we can do to change the conditions of our existence. Our Heavenly Father is waiting anxiously to open the windows of Heaven and pour out more miracles than we know what to do with, but we have to prepare ourselves to be able to receive such wondrous and glorious gifts.


The Gift of Prophecy


The Gift Of Faith To Heal