Dividing by Infinity

Any number divided by infinity is zero. Nothing. God is infinity. When we divide ourselves against Him, we become nothing. We set ourselves against not just the Creator of the universe, but also against the universe itself, since all of God's creations work together to fulfill God's work and glory. When we give into the temptation of pride, we are allowing enmity to divide us against God. We believe that by rejecting God's will we are securing our own independence, our own dominion, our own self. But when we divide ourselves from infinity we reduce our potential as sons and daughters of God to zero. By turning inward and clinging to our own sense of self, we are rapidly reduced and reduced still further until we have no substance at all. But if we instead add our selves, our wills, our strengths and talents and goals and dreams to God, to infinity, then we become infinite as well. Dividing any number by infinity yields zero, but adding to it multiplying by infinity yields infinity once again. It is much better to become a part of infinity than to be reduced to nothing by infinity.




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