“And all these gifts come from God, for the benefit of the children of God.” (D&C 46:26). All of us are given gifts and talents from God, but the main challenge we face in sharing those gifts ultimately comes from focusing too much on ourselves. Our gifts come from God. We are neither inherently better or worse for having received them. We do not need to hold ourselves back from sharing our gifts because we have some insecurities about our own worthiness to receive or to share our gifts. It is not about us. God gave us these gifts not so we could feel that we are somehow special or superior but because He wants to benefit His children. That's children, plural. God never gives us anything solely for our benefit because He is not raising us up merely to be passive receptors. He wants us to become like Him. He wants us to practice blessing and giving gifts in our own small way so that we can prepare to bless and give gifts the way He does. When we remember where our gifts come from, and when we remember why we are given them, then we can be a powerful force for good in this world as the Lord continues to bless us because we continue to bless His other children.