Saved By Grace After All We Can Do
Sometimes it seems that when we study our scriptures or attend Sacrament meeting or serve in our callings we're too distracted or tired or sick or worried or sad to get as much from the experience as we would like. Sometimes it may seem that the best we can give right now just isn't really meaningful or worth it, either to the Lord or to ourselves. But we are saved by grace after all we can do. Sometimes all we can do isn't very impressive, not even to ourselves. It would be nice if we were always at 100% and felt the Spirit burn like a fire within us, but that's not always how it goes. But when we show up even when we don't want to, when we read the same verse ten times and still don't take in a word, when we give all that we have, then we are saved by grace. Like the widow who cast in two mites and gave all that she had, when we do all we can do the Savior is glad and accepts our sacrifice and will save us with his grace.