Hold Fast Continually

In Lehi's vision of the tree of life, the iron rod leads to the tree. The iron rod is put there not for if you experience mists of darkness but when you experience mists of darkness. The mists of darkness are so common that the iron rod runs the entire length of the path, and those who truly make it to the tree are those who hold fast to the iron rod continually. Sometimes we say we can't read the scriptures today because we're too angry or too confused or too sad. But our emotions or external circumstances are like the mists of darkness, swirling, ever changing, showing up out of the blue and staying longer than we hoped or expected. But if we have something we can hold onto when we can no longer see the tree or even remember what it looked like, then even when we're confused or bored or depressed, we've got that solid, unyielding, ultimately dependable guide that takes us straight through the noise and the darkness and confusion. And if we hold onto it through the good times and the bad, then we'll never lose our place when we can no longer see where we're going.


A Feasting Attitude


Yin Yang