Covalent Bonds

Atoms have what are called valence shells. In each shell, they can have a certain number of electrons that will make the atom stable and not trying to chemically react with everything. If they have too many or too few atoms in their valence shell, the atoms are going to either try to ditch the extras or grab some more for themselves so they can get back to a stable state. One of the ways that atoms solve this problem is by forming covalent bonds. If two atoms can both get to a full, stable valence shell by sharing electrons then they'll stick together and form a covalent bond. They each give up some control of their electrons to become part of a stable whole. Each of us are like atoms with unstable valence shells. We're missing pieces. We're all a little broken inside. But we can become whole. Not on our own! We need each other. We need to share our time, our talents and our strength. We need to lean on each other. There are things that we have that our neighbor is missing, and our neighbor has things that we're missing. We can't just take everything that they have, nor can we give everything that we have. But we can reach stability by sharing. Our strengths are not their strengths. And our weaknesses are not their weaknesses. But as long as we are committed to building and maintaining a stable covalent bond, then "us" becomes more important than "me" or "you". We drop everything to pick each other up because we know that they're going to drop everything to pick us up. We forgive them for screwing up because we know we're going to screw up and we depend on knowing that they will forgive us when we do. God made us weak so that we could rely on each other and God made us strong so that we could rely on each other. A covalent bond is not where the stronger one helps the weaker one. We're all strong and we're all weak and we all need to share the burden and share the power. I know that we can each help each other in ways that we could not even imagine. There is someone out there for whom we were put on this Earth to help in a way that no one else possibly could, just as there is someone out there that was put on this Earth to help us in a way that no one else could. I hope that we can all see the value in creating covalent bonds with each other, being equally yoked, and mutually supporting and leaning on each other through the tough times and the easy times.


Scripture Mastering


"Give," Said The Little Stream