Sacrifice Willingly...Or Unwillingly

Because Pharaoh and the Egyptians hardened their hearts, the Lord took from them their firstborn children. The children of Israel were spared, but ever after in commemoration of this event as well as in anticipation of the day in which God Himself would sacrifice his Firstborn, the Lord required that the firstborn be given up to the Lord. Not to be slain, but to be set apart and sanctified. When God requires of us a sacrifice, if we are meek and lowly of heart and offer up willingly and with gratitude, He will sanctify our offering and give us back even more and better than what we gave up. But if we harden our hearts and cling with jealousy and covetousness to that which the Lord requires of us, we will lose even that which we have. To him that receiveth, more shall be given, but to him that receiveth not, it shall be taken from him even that which he hath. Pharaoh's firstborn was slain because of the hardness of his heart, but Moses's firstborn was sanctified because Moses had the grace and humility to offer up his firstborn to the Lord willingly. When God asks us to give something up, He wants to free us from the belief that we can't live without that thing, and once we know that deep in our hearts, then He can trust us with far greater blessings.


Mormon’s Book


Unleavened Bread