HD Resolutions

When we refer to a television or monitor screen’s resolution, we are describing how sharply defined the picture is. Screens have all kinds of resolutions these days - Standard, HD, Ultra HD, 4K, 8K, and on and on. The same screen can have a higher resolution by packing more pixels into it. In order to do this, each pixel has to become smaller and smaller so that more and more of them can be squeezed into the same space. The greater the number of pixels, and the smaller each of them is, the less likely is the human eye to notice individual pixels, which creates a sharper and clearer image. As we set about creating New Year's Resolutions for ourselves, let us think about increasing the definition of our resolutions by adding more and smaller pixels as it were. Let us not get frustrated or annoyed if it takes four thousand steps to reach our goal instead of four hundred and eighty. We are not slow or stupid or unmotivated. Rather, we are realizing our hopes and dreams in 4K rather than 480p. It may feel hopeless while we are laying down our two thousandth pixel, but the crystal clear resolution at the end of it all will be more than worth it.


To Bless Me With His Love


Old Year's Salutations