One of the most well-known names of the Devil is Lucifer, which means “Light-Bringer”. In what ways is Satan the Light-Bringer? We each have the Light of Christ. If we are worthy of His companionship, we also have the Spirit of God like a fire burning inside of us. It would not be hard to argue that Satan is always doing everything in his power to blow out the light and the flame inside of us. After all, when we describe in more poetic terms Satan's efforts to demoralize and destroy us, we say things like storms and whirlwinds and fierce winds beating upon us. It is a sad truth that often Satan succeeds in gathering together enough fierce winds to blow out the fire of our testimonies. However, if the fire is built properly and has enough heat and enough fuel, then even Satan's fiercest winds will not put the fire out but rather act like a bellows to stoke the flames to be even hotter and shine even brighter. In this way, Satan truly is Lucifer, the Light-Bringer, revealing through the winds of his opposition the true brilliance of our light. We will never know how truly brightly we can shine until the Light-Bringer has had the chance to try his very best to blow out the fire inside us.