Son of Man
One of the titles of Jesus Christ is the Son of Man. It is hard to fully appreciate how valuable it is that our Savior lived on Earth as a mortal man. Think about it. God knows and sees all. Nothing ever comes as a nasty shock to God. He would see any surprise coming from a billion miles away. But Jesus Christ, when He lived as a mortal being on Earth, marveled at the faith He saw, grew astonished at the hardness of the hearts of the Pharisees and scribes, got angry when He saw the money changers in His Father's house, groaned within Himself, wept, and collapsed sore amazed in the Garden of Gethsemane. He knew, according to the flesh, what it felt like to be blindsided by tragedy, to get angry enough to flip a table over, to have His heart broken by the death of a loved one. He also knew, according to the flesh, what it felt like to feel delighted by an unexpected stroke of good fortune, to look forward with excitement to see an old friend once again, to be grateful for His Father answering His prayers. Jesus Christ, Firstborn and Well Beloved, the great Jehovah, Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, chose to come to Earth and feel just as small and weak and lost and alone and vulnerable, just as hampered by the swirling, sloshing emotions and mood swings, just as tempted by greed and pride and vanity, just as hungry and tired, just as susceptible to surprise and confusion and disappointment. He did all of this because so much of it would be impossible to truly relate to on an experiential level if He had remained omnipotent and omniscient and utterly incapable of experiencing anything like weakness or confusion or doubt. Jesus Christ is the Son of God and thus had the power to perform an infinite Atonement and to conquer death and hell. But Jesus Christ is also the Son of Man and knows exactly what it feels like to be delighted, surprised, amazed, astonished and crushed by disappointment. I'm so grateful for my Savior and His willingness to live and think and feel at our level, so that He could then show us the way to learn and grow and advance so that one day at night be able to live and think and feel at His level.