Aloe Vera

On the surface, Aloe Vera looks dangerous and harmful, all spiky and full of teeth. But if you can get past the scary first impression, Aloe Vera can actually provide healing and comfort. I feel like repentance is very similar. Repentance seems scary and harmful. But if we can get past those spiky feelings of fear and doubt and pride and shame, we will find that despite its appearance, repentance really just provides healing and comfort. We think that repentance is designed to cut us and make us bleed and suffer because we have made bad choices and deserve pain. But actually repentance is meant to soothe our troubled souls and ease our pain and knit back together our bleeding hearts. The more often we choose to repent and peel back those spiky fears and get to the healing, cleansing heart of repentance, the less and less we'll get accidentally pricked while trying to humble ourselves and forsake our sins.


More Than Conquerors Through Him That Loved Us


Explosion of Spiritual Light