More Than Conquerors Through Him That Loved Us
When we feel overwhelmed and can see no hope or no way to even survive let alone overcome the terrifying, impossible challenges we face, we should reach out to the Savior, not just because He is all powerful, although He is, nor because He is all knowing, although He is, nor because He loves us perfectly and utterly, although He does, but because He knows exactly how to survive and overcome our specific situation, because He faced it Himself. We know that in the Garden of Gethsemane there were at least three times where Jesus felt scared and hurt and alone and overwhelmed and wanted to quit because it was all too much for Him. But He loved us so He kept going. He kept praying and pushing and fighting and bleeding for us, even though it was more pain and fear and anguish and despair than any but a God could survive. Christ knows what it's like to want to give up, but He also knows what it's like to keep going anyway. There may come a point where we have left behind all faith, all hope, all reason, but if we keep going, sooner or later we will also leave behind all fear, all doubt and darkness and eventually all pain. We can't see how we will survive, but Christ not only survived our exact situation, but conquered it. He knows the steps we need to take to get through the maze we're in, and He will show us the way. "Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us." (Romans 8:37).