Make Room

When Joseph and Mary went to the inn on the night that Jesus was to be born, they were told that there was no room and that they could try staying in the stable if they liked. I would hope that if the innkeeper knew that the Son of God was to be born that very night, he would have gone to the other guests and explained the situation and asked one of them to give up their room for such an important occasion, and worse comes to worse, given up his own room. But perhaps not. After all, we know exactly who Jesus is and what He has done for us, and yet, when asked to make room for Him in our lives and in our hearts, too often we shake our head sadly and say there's no room for Him. If we are too busy to include the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, He who bore the weight of all our sins and conquered death and Hell, in whom is all power and all knowledge and all wisdom, then we are too busy. If our heart is too full of pain and sorrow to seemingly allow space for the Healer of all hurts, then we should give up to Him some of our pain so that He may enter into our hearts and comfort us. It may seem that every guest in our metaphorical in is important and vital and that we can't afford to ask any of them to leave, but Christ is more important than all of them. If we allow Christ room in our inn, then that Master carpenter can even help us to expand our inn so that we can take on even more guests and yet still always have room for Him.


Pray For Them That Despitefully Use Us


Iron Rod