Encircled About By the Bounty of God's Love

"And they are encircled about with the matchless bounty of his love" (Alma 26:15). I love this image. If we are constantly repenting and striving to live the gospel, then we have the promise of being encircled about with the matchless bounty of his love. That means no matter which way we turn, there is God's love. Whatever challenge we face, we will have a bounty, an abundance of love and support to face that challenge. God always loves us fully and completely, but when we sin and don't repent, we restrict some or many of the channels that carry God's love to us. But when we repent, we open up those floodgates and can be engulfed once more in the abundance of God's love. The more we obey God's commandments, the more we refine our faith and our diligence, the more we surround ourselves with virtue and good things, the more completely and fully will we be encircled about by the bounty of God's love.


Let God Be Our Light


Love Your Enemies Like Your Life - And Theirs! - Depends On It