Let God Be Our Light
After the Sun, the moon is the second brightest object we can see in the sky. The funny thing is, the moon is not a very good reflector. It only reflects about 12% of the light that hits it. To put it another way, it is about as reflective as asphalt. The reason it is so bright has much less to do with its innate shininess and much more to do with how bright the Sun is and how close the moon is both to us and the sun. Like the moon, we do not have to be particularly bright or clear mirrors to let the light of heaven shine. We do not need to worry about our own particular talents and abilities as much as being in the right place at the right time and getting as close as we can to the Lord so that He can flood us with His light. We may sometimes feel as shiny as asphalt and think that we would be no good at sharing the light of Christ, but God's light is so bright that even with as poor of a reflector as we might fear ourselves to be, we can still shine much more brightly than we could have imagined. We should never consider ourselves too dull or dark to share God's light. If we draw near to God and honestly try to face Him with our whole souls, then God will pour out so much light and love that we won't be able to stop ourselves from shining as bright as the full moon.