Hearts Knit Together

“And he commanded them that there should be no contention one with another, but that they should look forward with one eye, having one faith and one baptism, having their hearts knit together in unity and in love one towards another.” (Mosiah 18:21). The Spirit, though it speaks with a still small voice, has the ability to pierce to the very soul. We can imagine that each time the Spirit pierces us to our very soul, it is threading through us a thread of light and knowledge and joy. As we seek one another’s good, as we reach out to one another in love and faith, as we through our words and our actions pierce one another’s souls with the still, small voice of the Spirit, our hearts become knit together in unity and love one towards another. We all need each other. Like light through a prism, as the Spirit enters and then leaves each of us, we each shine our own unique hue of light and knowledge and goodness. There are problems only we can solve, testimonies only we can nourish and strengthen, hearts only we can lift up. It is the same Spirit that illuminates and flows through each of us, but the brilliance and the hue and the warmth of the light change as it passes through us and goes to pierce someone else’s soul, and then may come to shine back at us and pierce our own soul in a different way, and thus are all of our hearts knit together in a luminous web of dazzling strands of every shade and brightness.


Always Connected

