Faithfulness In Destruction
“Shall thy lovingkindness be declared in the grave? or thy faithfulness in destruction?” (Psalms 88:11). It is easy to get confused about what the faithfulness of the Lord really means. A lot of times we equate love with comfort. If you really loved me you’d let me be comfortable. This is false. Love is much more than a desire to stay comfortable. Love is dangerous. It is all in. It’s messy and people are going to get hurt. The Lord promised that if we put our faith in Him I shall have peace. But peace does not mean insulation from discomfort. It does not mean that our loved ones won’t ever die or go through terrible illnesses or wander off into forbidden paths. Peace means that we know that the Lord loves us and that as we follow Him we will grow the most and get the closest to perfection and that we will learn compassion when we or others we love suffer. Becoming stronger means tearing down old muscles and building new ones. If we have weakness and we put our faith in God, He will tear down our weakness and replace it with new strength. Tearing down old muscles hurts. A lot. Pain does not mean that God has forsaken us. The only thing that God’s faithfulness destroys is the natural man in us, the weakness, the parts of us that we don’t like and don’t want but are too afraid and too wrapped up in to want to let go. But if we put our faith in God, He will put His faith in us and show us that we can be uncomfortable and it will not be pleasant but we can nevertheless have peace.