Celestial Blueprints
The Savior said in my Father's house there are many mansions. We can think of the Plan of Salvation as a personalized plan for each of us to build one of those mansions. However, we don't get the fully detailed blueprint nor all of the materials all at once. We know the end goal is to build a mansion, but we have to work out the details as we go along. Sometimes the Lord may give us a new piece that we have no idea how to fit into what we're currently working on. We may grow confused, resentful, angry even. Can't Heavenly Father see I've been working hard on the floor? Why would He give me a sink when there isn't even any plumbing installed yet? Not every new piece will fit in right away. Not everything we want to work on will have enough available material right when we want it. But we can have faith that every piece the Lord gives us will eventually become a vital part to the mansion that we are building. We may have to wait years and years for a piece to finally fit, but how great will be our joy when we finally get to install that piece we've been carrying for so long into its proper place? Building this mansion will take all of our lives, and then a good deal longer than that before it is completely finished, but we can take peace and comfort in the fact that we are engaged in a great work, and despite how little presently it might resemble a place in which we would want to live, we know that it will eventually be a palace fit not just for a king but for our God.