Eye Single To The Glory Of God
When the scriptures talk about having our eye single to the glory of God, I always imagined keeping my eyes fixed on one spot in the heavens and not allowing anything in the world to distract me from focusing on God's glory in that one distant place. But God is everywhere. He is in all things, through all things, a part of all things. Each person on this Earth is a child of God and has within them the divine light of Christ, a piece of God's glory. We don't have to look at some distant point in the sky to try and see God's glory. It is all around us. Having an eye single to the glory of God means seeing the goodness and the divinity in each person we meet and placing greater emphasis on that glory then on the often much more awesome signs of weakness and human frailty. Having an eye single to the glory of God is knowing that God does not tempt us above that we are able and that all of our experiences will be for our good, and no matter how dark or how hard or how painful the experience, if we can focus on the glory of God, on that shining light amidst all of the darkness, then it will all have been worth it in the end. God's glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of his children. If we can focus on that, focus on helping our brothers and sisters get closer to eternal life, if we can focus on how our trials are helping get us closer to eternal life, then we can endure any amount of pain and agony and ridicule because a far weightier crown of glory awaits us. There is a lot of darkness and confusion and turmoil in the world around us, but God and his glory are in all things and if we put in the effort we can find the glory of God in every person and every situation and keep our eyes singly focused on that glory above all else.