One of God's first commandments to Adam and Eve was to multiply and replenish the Earth. I was thinking about the word replenish. We talk about the greats - Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King Jr, Pablo Picasso, Michael Jordan - as being a once in a generation kind of people. So, part of replenishing the Earth is restocking our civilization with children who have the potential to have the same impact as those who have gone on before. It may seem unlikely, but greatness can come from just about anywhere, but if our society starts having less and less kids, then it is less likely that we will be the ones to replenish the Earth with some of the talent and power that has been lost as the great men and women of previous generations begin to pass on. And someone doesn't have to be the next Steve Jobs to be of value to society. Every child born is replenishing the world in some small but vital way.